14 November

Advanced Conversation Group

This course is designed with advanced level adult students in mind. Do you want an opportunity to continue practicing speaking, even though you’ve achieved a high level? Then this is the course for you.

09 May

Programmes d’été 2022

Les programme d’été cette année ajoutera les 2 denières semaines d’août. Reservez vite votre place en remplissant ce formulaire. Programmes disponibles: Summer Fun English Boost (cours accélérés pour Juniors) TOEFL Preparation SAT Preparation Intensive English (cours accélérés pour Adultes) Autres …

02 November

Writing workshop

These workshops are designed with future university students in mind, as well as professionals who need to improve their writing skills, and for people who simply want to learn how to write or improve their writing. We will work on …
